“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”
- Maya Angelou
Dear Donor,
As a non-profit organization, we appreciate it when community members reach out and extend their support in all forms, including financial support.
Individuals, families, and organizations who wish to make a difference by way of financial donation(s) to allow us to sustain the collaborative and fantastic work that we are doing in our Region, can do so by following the instructions provided for donations here.
3 Ways to Donate
Donating by credit card
Donating online via Canada Helps
Donating online via Social Development Centre
Select the button above.
Select your donation amount and donation frequency.
Select "Kind Minds Family Wellness" from the Fund dropdown menu.
(Optional) Include a private message and dedicate your donation and select "Continue to Complete Donation".
Input your donor and tax information, and credit card information and select “Complete Donation”.
Select the button above.
Select your donation amount and donation frequency.
Select "Kind Minds Family Wellness" from the Fund dropdown menu.
(Optional) Include a private message and dedicate your donation and select "Donate".
Input your donor information and select “Continue”.
Input your credit card information and select “Complete your Donation”.
2. Donating by e-transfer (tax receipt required)
Tax receipts are applicable only to donations +$25. For more information, please select the button above.
3. Donating by e-transfer (no tax receipt required)
For more information, please select the button above.
As we continue to get community members reach out to us about our Afrocentric and culturally grounded counseling service, it is very apparent that many of them are unable to afford the cost of such service. We are committed to ensuring that we offer low-cost barrier-free support and services to the residents who are pushed to the margins, including persons who are in need, unemployed and without insurance/benefits, survivors of abuse, human trafficking survivals, Newcomers to Canada, and a host of others.
Please consider donating towards our culturally informed counseling by following the instructions provided for donations on this page.
Thank you for your support!
Board member (Zino) and System Navigator (Brenda) attended the Upstream funders event to acknowledge and celebrate all recipients- hosted by the Region of Waterloo.